Much of the story takes place during The Seven Year’s War, a global conflict that took place between 1754-1763, fought between multiple European nations, primarily Great Britain and France. As is typical of the series, the main narrative focus pertains to the war between the Templars and the Assassins, which takes place across locations: New York, the Hudson River Valley, and the North Atlantic Ocean. The story of Assassin’s Creed: Rogue takes place between 1752 – 1760. Obviously, avert your eyes if you’re particularly worried about any potential giveaways. While we’ve tried to avoid major spoilers, some of the details of its story are contained in this article.
Spoiler warning: In the spirit of the game’s new release on current generation consoles, we’re recapping where Rogue fits into the story and timeline for the entire Assassin’s Creed franchise.